Releases / May 14th - Final Tryout Day, News, NMHA U12A, Under-13 (U13), 2023-2024 (NORFOLK MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION)

This Team is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 13, 2023 | Andrew Beck | 391 views
Releases / May 14th - Final Tryout Day
Once again the hard work and skill displayed during todays game has left for some hard decisions to be made.

I would like to thank the players who are not continuing on with the tryout process as your effort has not gone unnoticed.

All players remaining either selected or otherwise will be practicing tomorrow morning  at 9:30 am.  I ask that all players be ready 15 minutes prior to the start of practice.  

Emails will be sent to the players that are participating in the game tomorrow.

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